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Mon-Sat 8:00am-5:00pm

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We’re not just about weight loss..

but a transformational health & wellness program, with a catalyst for weight loss...We help people to create optimal health and well-being in all areas of their life, healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy finances, we call this the trilogy of health, because each one could affect the other areas of your health and are all interrelated. When ones out of wack it can create havoc for the other areas. Our program is comprised of 5 components, 4 create the foundation of health and the 5th is optional. Each of the 4 components equals 25% of the program and work together throughout your entire journey (they all hold equal weight like a table needs all 4 legs)

The Process


One on one personal support and mentorship is what makes our program stand out. As your personal OPTAVIA coach, I’ll be there to guide you through the program and assist you with changing your lifestyle. As your biggest cheerleader, I’ll be there for you to share every challenge and victory along the way. I will support you in reaching your optimal weight and I’ll provide tips along the way and we’ll celebrate the successes throughout your journey!


In addition to your OPTAVIA Coach, our Community of likeminded people are on the same health journey and focused on creating better health. From live and recorded client support calls, and webinars to help you dive into changing habits, to our Facebook Community, where you can find support, share triumphs and ask questions. We’re also supported by our Nutritional Support team at our corporate office if we should need them


Our nutrition plan is easy to follow—you don’t have to count calories or macronutrients, it's all done for you. With our Optimal Weight 5&1 plan, your body enters a gentle but efficient fat-burning state.

During this weight loss phase, you’ll enjoy six small meals a day. Five of these meals are our OPTAVIA Fuelings which are nutritionally interchangeable and provide vitamins and minerals along with probiotics that help support digestive health, as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. These Fuelings have a clean label with the right balance of carbs, protein, and fat and have no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. The sixth meal is a “Lean & Green” meal you will prepare yourself or eat out, which contains a healthy amount of lean protein and 3 servings of non-starchy vegetables, along with drinking at least 64 oz. of water a day.

Once you’re down to your healthy weight we will take you through a Transition phase, which is super important. We’ll start adding whole food back to your day and start removing Fuelings. You’re going to continue to eat 6x a day to keep your weight off, just depends if you choose to continue to use Fuelings as snacks or shift into all whole food. Our system teaches you either way.


It’s not just about getting your body healthy, it’s also about getting your mind healthy. Our Habits of Health Transformational System is the educational component designed to help you strategize your plan for reaching optimal health and wellbeing......
Your Habits of Health Book, LifeBook, and App provide a tremendous amount of important information about nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, emotional management, and more. The LifeBook is an educational journal to help you trade your bad habits for new habits and rewrite your story, along with a great app for tracking your habits. This piece of the program is truly where the transformation takes place. When we get the head in the right place the rest becomes easier!


Many of our clients add accountability to their health journey by reaching out and helping their friends and family by coaching. This is also a great benefit of building their community. Health Coaching is something we can talk more about as you proceed on your journey.